Become a Chaperone

Chaperone Sign-up

Thank you so much for your interest in our events.

The NC Local Events team consists of a small group of parents. Because we're a small team, we're always in need of volunteers. In particular, we need chaperones for our events.

For the safety of our students, we only accept chaperone volunteers who are parents of students who attend our events.

If you've purchased a ticket to one of our events before (any event in the past or an upcoming event), and you might be interested in becoming a chaperone for one of our events, please fill out the form! We'd love to have your help.

As an event gets close, we will calculate how many chaperones we need based on the number of students attending. We will then reach out to our list of chaperones. We may or may not use you for any particular event, but we will keep your contact info for future use.

​We'll be in touch as we get close to our events. Thank you!

We need Parent Volunteers!